Portfolio Optimization

Portfolio optimization tools and strategies help investors manage their portfolios in the most tax-efficient manner and become smarter about the impact of taxes on their real investment returns. GainsKeeper Brokerage offers tools that can generate additional commissionable trades for brokerage firms while improving investors' after-tax results.

Need Portfolio Tracking Feature
Increase customer satisfaction and asset accumulation GainsKeeper's portfolio optimization strategies minimize your customers' tax consequences.
Generate higher trading volumes Help your customers make informed trading decisions while increasing trading volumes.
Reduce customer support inquiries GainsKeeper gives your customers the tools to reduce the complexity of tax lot accounting issues.

Increase customer satisfaction and asset accumulation

Providing post-transaction service to your customers is critical to the overall investor experience. With GainsKeeper's portfolio optimization tools, your customers can identify tax-smart transactions to maximize after-tax returns and minimize taxes.

Generate higher trading volumes

GainsKeeper's trading strategies enable investors to identify trades that can improve their tax position.

Avoid wash sales. GainsKeeper identifies positions in a portfolio that will trigger a wash sale if traded on the current day, so your customers can avoid those trades.

Identify investments for the "Double Down" strategy. With the Double Down strategy, investors take positions that are currently in a deep losing state, and double their holdings in them. After waiting 31 days to be outside the wash sale window, those shares are then sold at a loss. GainsKeeper notifies investors of positions in their portfolios that are good candidates for the Double Down strategy. This enables investors to recognize losses for tax purposes without losing their stake in the positions.

Use "Sell Grades" to sell optimal lots first. GainsKeeper's Sell Grade measures the tax consequences of your customers' selling their investments and ranks them accordingly. The higher the Sell Grade value, the more favorable the trade is from a tax standpoint. GainsKeeper assigns a Sell Grade to each holding and then ranks them from highest Sell Grade to lowest Sell Grade.

A Sell Grade greater than 1.0 will save your customer tax dollars.
A Sell Grade of 1.0 is neutral and has no tax impact.
A Sell Grade less than 1.0 will cost your customer tax dollars.

GainsKeeper's Sell Grade is derived from a proprietary algorithm that considers each tax lot's adjusted cost basis (i.e. the original cost basis adjusted for all wash sales and/or corporate actions), current holding period (i.e. long-term or short-term), current market price, and, most importantly, your customer's personal tax rate and previous realized gains/losses, including the character of those gains and losses. In this way, GainsKeeper's Sell Grade is customized to each individual's portfolio and tax situation.

Reduce customer support inquiries

With GainsKeeper integrated into your web site, you are proactively arming your customers with tax information associated with their investments, particularly pertaining to wash sales, corporate actions, gain/loss calculations and Schedule D. Providing your customers with the tools to help them manage the complexity of these issues can help reduce inquiries to your call center.